Bee Timor Leste, Empresa Publica (BTL E.P)

General information

Organization name Bee Timor Leste, Empresa Publica (BTL E.P)
Country of operations East Timor
Description Bee Timor-Leste (BTL, EP) is public company utilities recently created by the Government of Timor-Leste to promote greater efficiency and sustainability for the implementation of the Government's strategy in providing water and sanitation services to the public. The Public Company mission is to assist the Government in the implementation of national policies for water and sanitation trough the integrated and sustainable management of water and sanitation related services.
Type of buyer Government Organization
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Primary contact information

Name Mr. Carlos Guterres
Title PAM
Address Rua 20 de Maio, Dili, Timor-Leste,Dili
Phone +670 77096296 +670 77389822

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